About Us
Pickleball Enthusiasts. Team Event Wizards.
Our Story
In 2020, Laurie Lambert, Executive Director of Utah Tennis Association (UTA), saw how tennis players in her community developed a passion for pickleball. These players loved competing in pickleball play but missed the team aspect that USTA tennis leagues offered. UTA welcomed Jeremy Horner as their Pickleball Manager to create the team league product for adult competition.
For 2023 Utah Tennis Association, partnered with several other USTA offices around the country to begin a co-ed version of team pickleball play. USTA program managers know the mechanics of team league play and the passion of players eager for a National Championship title. This made a great network for getting the pickleball vision into reality.
In October 2023, 18 teams from across the country converged in Las Vegas, NV for the first National Team Pickleball Championship tournament for co-ed divisions. The participant's consensus was “Yes, more please.” With the success of the co-ed tournament, came the addition of the single gender formats for 2024.
In 2024, during additional format experimentation, UTA discovered that the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) in Arizona had mastered a highly successful team format. The NTPL program incorporated this single gender format in addition to the co-ed format. NTPL now ran independently of the USTA and was able to incorporate pickleball providers from around the country who were interested in running leagues in their home states.
Through this country-wide growth, the NTPL hosted two incredibly successful National Championships in HIlton Head Island and Las Vegas. Over 750 players on 86 teams converged to take home the 2024 NTPL Championship title.
With the new year, we introduce a name change to Triple Team Pickleball League. Our product will be growing exponentially in additional states around the country.
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Triple Team Pickleball League